Saturday, December 2, 2023

In Loving Memory of Roger Wilkin

December 2, 2023 - New Providence Presbyterian Church

I’m Gary Murakami. My wife Linnea and I have been married for 26 years, and we have been active with Young Life on committee for about that long.

We met Roger and Sandy Wilkin through Young Life and became good friends. We went to Christina’s and Tony’s wedding even though we had not yet met them. We became friends with Roger’s children and grandchildren and have been so very blessed to be family friends.

For example, Linnea and Rachel make greeting cards together, and perhaps some of you may have received a card that they made. Will is in our Youth Club Bible class which includes using American Sign Language to memorize Bible verses. [ASL] Jesus loves you. [ASL] We love you.

At one occasion when Linnea and I were questioning our involvement with Young Life, with encouragement from Roger, we visited summer camp at Lake Champion. We saw kids stand up and “Say So,” declaring that they decided to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We rejoiced over the kids and celebrated with them!

Over two decades later, Linnea and I are still committed to Young Life. We have had the privilege of working with Roger and his wonderful family, and that includes ministries in this church, in the neighborhood, in local schools and communities.

From Hebrews 12
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

O so many years ago, Roger lit a torch and commenced an Olympic-like race by initiating Young Life here in our local area, bringing Christ to kids, and kids to Christ. That torch has been multiplied and propagated. Many Young Life staff and volunteers, friends and kids (many of you here) radiate the same heart, soul and spirit that Roger embodied. We are a great cloud of witnesses.

On November 14th, Roger sent Linnea and me a note of thanks, joy, commission, and love. On November 15th, Roger finished his race, and is now with Jesus at the right hand of the Father. On November 20th, Roger saw his recent prayers answered when we restarted WyldLife Club in Berkeley Heights at the Church of the Little Flower - some of his grandkids were there.

Roger is cheering us on as the local Young Life committee, including Linnea and I, carry that torch, as we all carry those torches, as we run the race before us with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

[ASL] Roger Wilkin (RW), we, we all, love you [heavenward].

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