Thursday, May 3, 2012

61th Annual Observance – Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, 7:00PM


National Day of Prayer – One Nation Under God


The Presbyterian Church at New Providence

Prayer for Large Businesses, by Gary Murakami

How good and how pleasant it is for us to dwell together in unity!
How great it is for us to work together in harmony!
As we review large companies like those in the Dow 30,
We are amazed at the great things that can be accomplished.
I pray on behalf of large corporations and on behalf of all of us.

May we expect great things from God,
May we attempt great things for God,
May we accomplish great things for God.
May your blessings be poured out on us.
May God’s good purpose be woven through all that we endeavor to do.

As we produce and eat food and drink beverages,
May we hunger for you, the Bread of Life,
And thirst for you, the Living Water.
As we develop medicines and take them for our health,
May we look to you for healing as the Great Physician.

As we construct buildings and homes,
May we dwell on this,
“Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain.”
May we envision that our final home is in heaven with you.
As we finance our homes and lives,
May our treasure be in heaven.

As we produce and use energy to heat and light our homes,
May we experience that all life comes from you.
As we insure our businesses and homes,
May we place our trust and hope in you.

As we build and use phone networks,
May we talk to God in prayer, the most important communication.
As we build and use computers and process information,
May we know that your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
As we produce and watch entertainment and movies,
May we retell the greatest story ever told,
The gospel that Jesus Christ died for us.

As we work in large businesses,
Help us not to feel like an insignificant cog in a huge machine.
May we appreciate that we are members of the body of Christ,
Fitly joined together.
May we divine that we are important to God,
Wonderfully made us for his good purpose.
May we affirm the message with our coworkers,
That God loves us.

Finally, as we build airliners, operate them,
And fly to visit friends and family,
May we wait upon you, Lord,
And mount up with wings like eagles.